Chapter Master makes it easy to add chapter stops (permanent ‘bookmarks’) and images to an AAC (*.m4a or *.m4b) file for use as an audiobook or enhanced podcast on the iPod.

I hope I have designed it to be extremely easy to use. You simply open an AAC file and can add and remove chapter stops at any time point within the audio, naming them and optionally associating an image with each. You can, if you choose, listen to the audio, or fast forward through it, and by clicking a button insert a chapter at the current play time. Or you can simply choose to add regular chapter stops at say 15 minute intervals throughout the file.
You then just save the file and it is ready for import into iTunes and transfer to your iPod or iPhone. Once on the iPod you can navigate between bookmarks using forward and back controls. On later model iPods, the iPhone and iPod Touch you’ll also see a list of the named chapters when you first go into the book/podcast.
The good news is that using Chapter Master is now free! Because for several reasons I can no longer properly support Chapter Master, I’ve decided to release it to the Public Domain. The bad news is that I cannot provide any technical support for this product from now on.
Enter this information when asked for your registration information:
Please enter these details exactly as given below:
Registered Name: The Public Domain
Download the software from here: